Inaugural Post!

Why be a software engineer?

This the first blog post for my latest endeavor of pursuing a career in web development at the Flatiron School. Last year I left my job as a photographer at Revlon to pursue emerging tech and art at NYU Tisch’s ITP graduate program. Through this program I learned that I really enjoyed programming, having made a lot of projects using p5.js, and found myself craving more technical training in programming. That, combined with the birth of my first son and the economic circumstances surrounding COVID-19 lead me to abandon my graduate degree at NYU and pursue coding at the Flatiron School instead.

What I like most about programming is the problem solving. I love solving puzzles, and programming feels just like solving puzzles all day. I can get behind that. So here’s to a new life adventure in programming.

If you’re curious below are some examples of my creating coding projects from ITP.

This program demonstrates how we use red shift and blue shift to prove the expanding universe by manipulating pixel data.

Click inside the program window to interact with it.

Spacebar for fullscreen.
Press 1 or 2 to toggle redshift or blueshift. Press 0 to reset.

This program is just a fun space-themed interactive animation.

Click and drag to zoom, double-click to change colors.

Press Spacebar for fullscreen.

Press "C" to reset colors to default.
This one is the basis of a visualization I made for a baby kick sensor I made for my wife.

Click on the box to start the program.
Spacebar for full screen.